Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
HANDSHQ IS partnering with iHASCO to add eLearning to Training Register. You can now automatically enrol your team in training, update records and upload certificates!
In early 2020, Training Register was launched to replace the massive Excel training matrix its customers use, and take a smarter approach to training management.
The company is constantly working on new improvements and features, and it is excited to announce its biggest Training Register feature yet; eLearning integration!
HandsHQ has partnered with iHASCO to create a seamless training experience for customers.
iHASCO has over 100 courses covering a broad range of health & safety topics and more.
When training expires for your personnel, you can enrol them in the eLearning course instantly. When the training is complete, the personnel record is automatically updated with the new expiry date and the new certificate uploaded. Seamlessly.
For more information, visit