Kelly Rose

Training to reduce conflict and violence

Work related violence is a complex risk area due to its dynamic and often unpredictable nature. The risks faced are diverse which is why it's essential to find a training offering to match, explains Bill Fox

Complex problems need sophisticated strategies and safe outcomes will only be achieved if training is well focused and part of a wider strategy that addresses the root causes of conflict – not just how we react to it.

Time to prioritise

Not only is violence a complex risk to manage, employers have less resources and budget to invest in controls. We can cut back on training, or rethink the model and be creative in getting more from our budget by prioritising needs and focusing resources based on risk. Staff less at risk may be able to access all the learning they need within the workplace.

While course based training is well suited for developing conflict management skills, employers can no longer afford this for everyone. There is now a shift from the generic ‘sheep dip’ training course where some get more than they need and others not enough, to targeted training relevant to role and risk.

Blended learning

By embracing a wider range of delivery mechanisms staff can induct and refresh knowledge through elearning and/or locally delivered awareness modules, with those at higher risk also attending focused training courses.

Blended learning approaches can include:

• ELearning to induct and refresh knowledge

• Course based training / workshops for skills development

• Modular ‘Toolbox’ training delivered locally by nominated individuals

• Workplace coaching to update, refresh skills, rehearse and problem solve

Increasing access to desktop and mobile computing extends learning possibilities and Learning Management Systems allow us to monitor and record compliance. These are not only for big organisations, the possibilities have increased dramatically for individuals and smaller employers, such as shopkeepers, who can now access low cost, high quality learning and guidance through web based systems. 

Delivering value

Designed well, a blended learning strategy will not simply deliver savings it will provide more flexibility to respond to learning needs locally. Positive line manager involvement will help ensure learning translates into safer working practices, which is where we should measure the true value of training - not through the end of course 'happy sheet'. 

For learning to deliver operational outcomes it must combine proactive (preventative) and reactive strategies and be:

  • Fit for Purpose: Directly relevant to risks & role needs and requirements
  • Delivered as intended: Highest quality accessible resources, professionally delivered
  • Transferred to the workplace: Transfer supported and monitored by line managers
  • Maintained: Refreshed, rehearsed and evaluated to embed into practise

Staff in some roles and services may also need physical skills, whether for their personal safety, or to manage the behaviour of others in an emergency scenario, which may include restraint. It is vital such training is regularly refreshed as psychomotor skills quickly fade. Such skills carry heightened risks and we need to monitor and reduce their operational use i.e. not just teach safer methods. 

A model for assessing work related violence training needs

Scenario based learning

An effective risk assessment and training needs analysis will involve staff and identify key risk scenarios that are immensely valuable training tools for developing understanding. Staff walk through and problem solve a real world scenario as opposed to ‘role playing’ it, which many fear. Case studies are also excellent vehicles to develop understanding and both methods can be used within eLearning as well as face to face training.

Scenario learning should continue in the workplace where it allows staff to rehearse and test understanding, for example of incident management procedures. 


St Mungo’s

The Charity, St Mungo’s has used blended learning to reduce risks to centre based and outreach staff and to better support the 1,700 homeless individuals it looks after every night, many with complex needs. Based on a thorough review of risks and training needs its strategy combines on-line pre-study and class room based training which is being enhanced by the introduction of local coaches to support transfer of learning into practice.

When forced to think outside the box we can often come up with new approaches that facilitate better workplace outcomes.


Bill Fox is the chairman of Conflict Management Specialists Maybo. 

01580 881346
TNA Model 2
TNA Model 2
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Maybo Ltd

Russet Farm
Redlands Lane
TN32 5NG

01580 881346

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