Kelly Rose

Traka completes event series

TRAKA'S CAPABILITY as a total solutions provider of key and equipment management solutions to ensure compliance will be demonstrated at Health and Safety North.

Amongst the range of solutions on stand K34 will be Traka’s exclusive Modular Lock system, designed to manage specialist equipment including body worn camera scanners.

Also available, with live demonstrations on request, will be Traka’s innovative S-Touch Cabinet. Designed to securely house expensive equipment such as tools and laptops, S-Touch key systems have the added benefits of charging facilities and customisable designs. 

Says Lee Payne at Traka, “We have exhibited at each Health And Safety Event with the same commitment to attending practitioners and community representatives – to show how small differences to the management of essential keys and equipment can make a significant difference to compliance.

At the Health And Safety Event – North we present our innovative Modular Lock design with an immense range of options, suitable for virtually any application. And our sophisticated S-Touch key cabinets with intelligent built in, allows for system scalability, without losing any of the essential management attributes.”

Visitors will be able to see live displays of a range of Traka’s specialist systems, including its popular Touch series, presenting its ability to either operate as standalone systems requiring no network capabilities or networked via Traka’s exclusive Web software.

Lee concluded, “We know every organisation is different and we believe we can create the bespoke management solution to suit. Only by discussing individual requirements and attending specifically focussed health and safety exhibitions across the UK and on a global scale, can we continue to demonstrate our ability to provide accountability, efficiency and significant cost savings.”

To find out more about any of our solutions, please visit Traka’s stand K34 at Health and Safety - North, taking place between 9 – 10 October 2018 at EventCity, Manchester.

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