Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
New product Trenchlink is claimed to be significantly changing the way companies in the civils and utilities sectors are working.
A system of interlocking, ductile iron, skid-resistant road plates, Trenchlink, available from Actavo, covers utility trenches without the need for temporary tarmac. Trenchlink is designed to considerably increase the productivity of roadworks teams as it secures utility trenches quickly and safely, saving time, materials and money.
Vacuum Excavation Southwest’s MD Marcus Willcox, said: “So far, we have hired Trenchlink for two projects and it’s safe to say that I will never use traditional road plates again. Trenchlink requires no machinery and can be moved quickly and efficiently, saving time and increasing productivity. It also needs no temporary reinstatement, traffic can flow safely and we can transport the plates ourselves with relative ease."
Diamond House
Diamond Business Park
Thornes Moor Road
01924 416000