Kelly Rose

Trial offered for vehicle camera systems

Sentinel Systems is offering its customers the chance to experience its range of vehicle and camera safety solutions with a no-obligation trial of its systems.

The company has received some successful orders as a result of its customers trialling the systems, which allows drivers and fleet operators the time to assess and evaluate each system effectively to find the right solution for their safety requirements. 

Sentinel offers a wide range of vehicle safety and camera systems suitable for all heavy goods vehicles, including its award-winning Bike Hotspot cyclist detection system, auto-braking radar systems and many forward, side and rear facing cameras to enhance the visibility and safety awareness for vehicle drivers.

London-based civil engineering contractor, J B Riney & Co., have continued to use Sentinel Systems’ equipment following a successful trial of its cyclists safety equipment.

Barry Parker, head of fleet at J B Riney & Co., said: “In trialling this system we were able to see how much this can improve the safety of our vehicles for both our drivers and pedestrians and cyclists, and we were overall very pleased with what the system offered.”

He continued, “We have since installed the same system on all of our HGV vehicles in our fleet, with some of our larger vehicles now using Sentinel’s complete camera systems and mobile recording device.”


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Company Info

Sentinel Systems

Building 2a D-Site
Kemble Airfield Enterprise Park

01285 771333

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