Kelly Rose

Two million hours safely achieved

More than two million hours without a lost-time incident has been reached by Hertel at Sellafield. The company employs 200 at the site and provides a range of main - tenance services including the removal of asbestos,

More than two million hours without a lost-time incident has been reached by Hertel at Sellafield. The company employs 200 at the site and provides a range of main - tenance services including the removal of asbestos, painting, insulation and scaffolding.

David Fitzsimons, Hertel's managing director, says: "This is testament to the way the team at Sellafield approach safety. There is a culture where everyone understands their respon - sibility to keep safety at the front of mind and work in a manner that will ensure the well-being of themselves and their colleagues." In addition to mainten - ance, Hertel has been involved in the deplanting of the former power stations, Calder Hall and the Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor. The work at Calder Hall has included the removal of asbestos which was one of the largest projects of its type to have taken place in Europe.

Martin Brownridge, head of programme delivery, Calder Hall, adds: "Working safely is a pre-requisite at Sellafield. Reaching two million man hours without any incidents is an achievement to be proud of."
Two million hours safely achieved
Two million hours safely achieved
Company Info


3 Abbots Park
Preston Brook

01928 704009

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