Fhoss Technology's new high
visibility Contego vest has
a specialised illumination
system and also prevents
workers becoming trapped
in equipment.
"Workers can remove
their safety vests when
tangled or trapped in
mFhoss Technology's new high
visibility Contego vest has
a specialised illumination
system and also prevents
workers becoming trapped
in equipment.
"Workers can remove
their safety vests when
tangled or trapped in
machinery, meaning they
have a better chance of
avoiding injury," explains
Andy Kimitri, executive chairman of
Fhoss Technology and inventor of
the product. "We have moved the
standard anti-entanglement system
found on other products from the
shoulder to the front of the chest.
This reduces pressure on the
shoulders where load carrying
systems or heavy objects
frequently cause injury or
discomfort when carried."
"This isn't just reflective
clothing," adds Kimitri. "We
have produced a light
emitting reflective tape,
powered by a mini
rechargeable powercell, which
is designed to allow 12 hours
of constant usage. When light
is not available the tape emits
light as if it were reflecting it."