Kelly Rose

Visual alarm support

Since 31 December 2013, visual alarm devices for alerting persons in case of fire shall only be applied in line with EN 54-23.

However, European standards do not cover visual indicators that are not used for alarm purposes. For instance, indicators that lead the fire brigade the right way to the first information service are not covered by the EN.


VdS, Europe's leading institute for fire protection, offers an approval procedure for these products, thus ensuring their continued installation in fire detection and fire alarm systems.

Functional compatibility must be ensured for all components connected to fire detection and fire alarm systems. This is validated by a VdS test and confirmed by a system approval. Visual indicators would then appear as "optical indication devices" under the heading of "accessories" in VdS’ directories.  


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Company Info

VdS Schadenverhutung GmbH

Amsterdamer Str. 172-174

+49(0)221 77 66 6417

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