Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
In these times of COVID-19, Worker Emergency ID is more important than ever. For the price of a cup of coffee, you too can help protect your team and improve risk management in the workplace.
In the event of a medical emergency or accident, Vital ID products immediately provide medics and first responders with workers’ essential personal information, so they can save time and provide effective treatment.
Worker Emergency ID is now an essential part of workplace PPE, that can be worn on hard hats, jackets, lanyards and belts. Workers’ essential information is safely and securely stored inside a waterproof sleeve or lightweight casket, for access only in the event of an incident. Vital ID is proven to save lives worldwide, across many industries and challenging environments.
For more information, contact Treive Nicholas by emailing tnicholas@vitalid.com, call 07872 385528 or 01962 275470.
3477 Hillside Avenue Nanaimo
British Columbia
V9T 2Y9
+44 787 238 5528