Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
When considering these rules, it is easy to overlook weighing because of its simplicity. However, during weighing, balance users have the potential to come into direct contact with sample substances, particularly when weighing workflows have not been thoroughly considered and are subject to various external and environmental factors.
Mettler-Toledo's on-demand weighing safety eLearning course can help you ensure user safety and sample-handling accuracy in your pharmaceutical laboratory’s weighing workflows.
The free, 50-minute eLearning course will help you learn how to best structure weighing procedures to ensure safety, including how to protect the operator, how to handle sample materials, and how to mitigate environmental or physical influences.
Topics covered include: Different types of safety enclosures; Handling toxic substances;;Safe, error-free weighing; Types of risk; Types of protection.
Following successful completion of the final test, a qualification certificate will be generated for internal training records.
Learn more or register for the course here.
Im Langacher 44
+41 44 944 47 60