Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Procter Machine Guarding has published a free White Paper that explains the differences between the new international machine guarding standard ISO 14120 and the European standard it replaces, EN 953.
Very soon ISO 14120:2014 (BS EN ISO 14120 in the UK), Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design, construction and selection of fixed and movable guards will supersede EN 953:1997+A1 (BS EN 953:1997+A1 in the UK). Shortly after the new standard has been published, it is expected to be Harmonised as a European standard and published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union.
Compliance with the new standard will therefore provide a presumption of conformity with certain Essential Health and Safety Requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Whereas EN 953 was a European standard, ISO 14120 is an International standard, so machine builders exporting outside the European Union are likely to benefit by only having to design and manufacture in compliance with one main guarding standard.
Procter’s White Paper gives a clause-by-clause breakdown of the changes and explains the implications. For example, there are important changes relating to fixings for fixed guards, protective bonding of guards with electrically conductive parts, the suitability of fixed and movable guards in relation to the frequency with which access is required, and the validation/verification of machine guard designs.
Copies of the new White Paper, ISO 14120, Explaining the differences between ISO 14120 and EN 953, can be downloaded from www.machinesafety.co.uk/free-downloads/free-machine-safety-guides. Alternatively, request a copy by emailing HSM@procterbedwas.co.uk or telephoning 02920 855758.
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