Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
EVERY COMPANY must provide proper workplace safety to its employees. With proper workplace safety, the desire of the employees to work increases significantly and overall efficiently is likely to improve. James Hughes looks at the top seven reasons why it is so important.
It makes employees feel secure. In turn, the company benefits from this attitude of the employees. It is however only one of the reasons why workplace safety is essential. There are some more reasons which you need to consider.
Today, we will share with you seven different reasons why workplace safety is pretty important.
1. Increases productivity
When the employees are aware of the increased safety in the workplace, they can work without worrying. It enhances the productivity of the employees. Once improved, it will ultimately impact the bottom-line of the company positively.
Many business owners spend thousands of dollars on hiring experts to coach employees regarding increased productivity. However, the cost of sticking to proper safety standards is much less and can increase productivity by a similar amount. Hence; it is crucial for you to make your workplace safer so that the productivity of your employees increases.
“We live in an increasingly digitized world”, says David Rowland, the head of Effective Software, “and this should be reflected in your health and safety systems. The days of paper-based systems are gone: they are lacking in security, efficiently and are simply not fit for purpose.” This is perhaps why many now recommend using health and safety software to keep track of your business’s needs in this area.
2. Increases average attendance
When employees feel secure in the workplace environment, they will inevitably reach their workplace with a positive attitude. It will certainly reduce the number of leaves which the employees opt for. Once the number of leaves decreases, you can get more work done in a short time. It will enable you to use your resources more effectively.
3. Better upkeep
Safer workplaces are easy to maintain. The cleaning staff, as well as the maintenance staff, will be able to conduct the inspection and maintenance without any worry. The upkeep of such employees is better which again helps employees develop a positive attitude about the workplace.
4. Reduces business liabilities
When the workplace is entirely safe, the chances of any accident happening are also on the lower side. In such a case, the business can reduce their legal liabilities as well. The cost of insurance such as liability insurance and workplace compensation insurance will decrease as well. Often, during the renewal of these insurance policies, an insurance agent will visit your property to inspect it. If he/she finds that the safety standards are not strict, the policy premium might increase, or the insurance company might reject the renewal of your policy, altogether. It can be a costly blow for your business. That is why; a much better way to deal with such problems is to follow all the safety rules and regulations. The secured premiums will directly benefit the bottom line of the company.
5. Helps you win our clients
Many clients pay attention to the work-place. Often they pay a visit to the premises of their vendors. If in such a case, your workplace is not safe or does not adhere to the safety standards, you might not win those contracts. The lack of safety can cost you dearly in this competitive environment. That is why it is a better idea to always work towards catering to the safety standards as per the regulations. When you do so, it is easy to not only keep your employees happy but also your clients.
6. Facilitates consistent performance
When the workplace is safe, there will be no accidents at all. It will mean that there is no disruption in your business processes. When there is no disruption, the productivity increases and you will be able to meet the client deadlines. It will help you get the repeat business. At the same point in time, the lack of any disruptions will also keep your costs on the lower side. It means that you can remain competitive and can provide your clients with an advantage. It will ultimately facilitate the growth of your business.
7. Improves the brand value of the company
Any news of an accident in your business can spread out like wildfire. That is why it is vital to ensure that such accidents do not occur in the first place. The best way to do so is to follow the safety rules and regulations. You can even hire dedicated employees to monitor the safety standards of your workplace. It will ensure that you never drop the ball when it comes to safety standards.
Once you do that, the frequency of accidents will decrease significantly. You will not get negative publicity due to these accidents. It will allow you to focus on marketing rather than control the damage due to an accident. Over a longer time, it will become easy for you to develop a positive image rather than having to worry about the negative publicity due to such accidents.
So, instead of thinking that adhering to the safety standards is not that necessary, you have to look at the reasons above. These reasons can benefit your business directly and indirectly. It is in the interest of your business to stick to the safety standards and make your workplace entirely safe. It will help you in multiple ways than one. It is time to take care of your employees and provide your clients with benefits due to increased workplace safety.
About the author
James Hughes is a freelance HR consultant and writer. After working for several high profile businesses in the city, James is now supporting businesses through difficult times as an independent consultant. James is currently writing for Effective Software, with a focus on improving health and safety as a catalyst for internal change.