Kelly Rose

Zero harm policy pays off

Pallet and container pooling specialist, CHEP tells HSM how adopting a new analytical approach to health & safety management has helped the company to create a safer and more pleasant place to work CHEP is a specialisPallet and container pooling specialist, CHEP tells HSM how adopting a new analytical approach to health & safety management has helped the company to create a safer and more pleasant place to work

CHEP is a specialist in pallet and container pooling with a workforce of nearly 1,500 in the UK and Ireland. Focused on helping companies move products as quickly, safely and sustainably as possible, CHEP customers include Procter & Gamble, Kellogg's, Kraft, Nestlé, Birds Eye, Heinz, Morrison's Supermarkets and Ford.

The nature of its business means there are many plant-based employees who are involved in manual work so the business puts a strong emphasis on health, safety and wellbeing. This commitment included developing a global programme called ZERO HARM which provides guidance and tools to employees to ensure that work is a safe place for all, whatever the location.

Health and safety experts across the business ensure the full implementation of ZERO HARM. In addition, a series of measures and controls - such as the standard industry measure of LTIs (Lost Time Incidents) - were also introduced which gave an instant picture of health and safety performance.

However, over the past few years the business has realised that concentrating on LTIs alone was misleading, as incidents which did not result in lost time were not getting the same attention as an LTI. A new analytical approach was adopted which looked at each incident and checked the root causes and investigation process. All the incident reports were then shared and best practice determined and implemented throughout the network. Sometimes claims and incidents were found to be spurious and wrongly recorded as LTIs.

Cultural change Hugh Kempton, health & safety manager for CHEP Europe, said: "A new culture kicked in as it was realised that all injuries in the work place cause distress or time off work - no matter how small - and this was no longer acceptable." "It became the responsibility of everyone - not just the Leadership Team - to take a proactive approach to ZERO HARM. We also encouraged people to spot and report 'near miss' incidents, which is where people see a potential incident waiting to happen." "We really encouraged people to look out for potential hazards such as a chair left in a corridor, an exposed wire or a power cable not taped down. This led to a dramatic increase in the near miss reports but this was a positive move - after all, they were occurring anyway so better to report and learn from them - to stop future occurrences."

Reuction in absenteeism The main aim was to reduce both the number and severity of incidents, creating a safer and more pleasant place to work.

One of the benefits has been a significant reduction in absenteeism which has reduced by over 5% since 2006. The associated financial benefits of this drop are substantial with savings achieved due to less need to hire temporary workers to cover for absent staff.

Noise levels at CHEP sites are tested annually by an outside agency and all operatives are issued with full PPE equipment including four alternative options for hearing protection. "Our employees do an eight hour shift and therefore it is imperative they are comfortable, so they can choose the kit that best suits them," added Hugh.

In a separate ZERO HARM initiative CHEP is targeting a 50% reduction in the vibration levels of tools and machinery being used at each of its 8 repair and maintenance depots.

The regular use of equipment such as power saws and nail guns can lead to health issues related to vibration. CHEP has been working with external agency Sound Advice which measured the vibration levels of all the equipment used.

As a result, finer saw blades and lighter nail guns fitted with second safety handles have been introduced which has brought about a 20% - 30% reduction in vibration levels as well as reduced noise levels.

Hugh Kempton added: "We also showed operatives how a change in grip can further reduce vibration. With all the measures in place, we are confident of achieving an overall 50% reduction in vibration levels." "ZERO HARM makes obvious sense because it's a morally sound investment to make. If employees believe that their company values their health and safety and feel safe in their working environment, then they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged. Our absenteeism levels are now only 1? % - 2% which is a very low figure for industry and this also has a natural knock-on effect for efficiency levels across the business."
Zero harm policy pays off
Zero harm policy pays off
Company Info

Chep UK Ltd

400 Dashwood Lang Road
KT15 2HJ

01932 850085

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