Kelly Rose

Zero incident rate

When ZEON Chemicals a leading developer and supplier of innovative polymers decided to make the change to a lean, more controlled and safer organization by introducing a paperless and standardized approach to permit to work authorisation they used PEMAC Care from PMI Software.

Originally the Permit to Work creators and issuers were one and the same individual, this meant that the permits to work were usually only created as and when they were actually required. While the shift supervisors (Permit to Work issuers) were fully trained in issuing the permit to work they were not certified electricians, fitters, instrument technicians etc… so their precise knowledge of the task was not necessarily as comprehensive as required. This in turn meant that the quality of the paper permits could vary depending on the personal knowledge of the creator/issuer.
Another critical issue was that experienced operating staff were retiring and there was an urgent need to strengthen their knowledge infrastructure by gathering and storing all data in one central repository. While ZEON already had a small number of paper permits in place they were not specific enough and did not cover all of the requirements.
 Tony Green, Plant Superintendent at Zeon Chemicals: "A number of years ago ZEON Chemicals Europe Limited, took the decision to standardize Permit to Work creation and Issue. We as a company were looking for a system that could grow with us and support us for many years. We felt that PEMAC Care from PMI Software fitted our criteria both from a financial and process point of view. The relationship and support from PMI Software was exceptional, and I’m pleased to say has continued to the present day. We certainly would recommend the PEMAC Care Permit to Work system.”
ZEON Chemicals now creates Permits to Work based upon Risk Assessments. This approach is extremely thorough and while a considerable amount of work is required at the outset to ensure that the templates are as comprehensive as possible, the output and the increased safety of the plant was hugely advanced. ZEON has maintained a zero incident rate since 2009.

Company Info

PEMAC (PMI Software Ltd)

Unit 7
Kingswood Road
Citywest Business Campus

003531 4663888

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